Blanco Circle Dental Care Blog
What to Do If You Have a Loose Dental Implant
March 31, 2023

Dental implants are highly successful and can last a lifetime with proper care. Even with a 95% success rate, just like with any other medical procedure, there is still a slight chance of complications, such as loose implants. If this happens, it’s important to seek professional help immediately. But what causes it? If you have a loose dental implant, read on to learn about the possible causes and what your dentist can do about it.
(more…)4 Questions You Should Ask During Your Dental Implant Consultation
January 4, 2023

Dental implants are considered by many to be the gold standard when it comes to tooth-restoration. That said, if you’re curious about replacing your lost teeth with implants, the first step toward getting dental implants is visiting your dentist for a consultation—it is a surgical procedure, after all! Here are four important questions that you should ask during this appointment so that you can feel informed and comfortable about the dental implant process.
(more…)5 Interesting Facts About Your Teeth
November 3, 2022

Your teeth may not get much thought. Many times, even the daily routine of brushing can become a task done on autopilot. Other than when a toothache strikes or when something is stuck between them (toothpick, anyone?), your pearly whites may not be on your mind a lot. But they are fascinating parts of your body! Here are five facts about them that reveal just how amazing they are.
(more…)An Easy Guide to Essential Dental Implant Terms
September 14, 2022

So, let’s say you’re considering dental implant treatment. Based on what you’ve heard, it could restore your smile in just a few visits. However, your research into the surgery has led you to some confusing, unfamiliar words. What should you do? Learn what they mean, of course! That way, you’ll better understand how implants work and whether they’re right for you. Luckily, your Salinas dentist can help with the process. Here are four dental implant terms you should know before deciding on treatment.
(more…)3 Surprising Foods That Cause Cavities
August 18, 2022
Cavities are preventable; however, 92% of adults have had at least one. Brushing and flossing are your first lines of defense against tooth decay, but your diet is equally important. Limiting sugars is vital for safeguarding your enamel. Cutting back on soda and skipping dessert can reduce your risk, but sweet drinks and snacks aren’t the only things that can erode your enamel. Here are 3 cavity-causing foods you may not be aware are harming your smile.
4 Things to Know When You Haven’t Seen Your Dentist Lately
June 16, 2022

As anyone will tell you, life can get messy. Circumstances change, things come up, and you occasionally have to revise and re-draft your plans. Among other things, that fact may mean you don’t attend your regular dental checkup for a long time. But it’s never too late to get your oral health back on track! That said, you may need a refresher on what to expect when you return to the dentist’s chair. To help out, here’s a summary of four things that’ll happen at your upcoming dental visit.
(more…)How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
May 4, 2022

Unfortunately, tooth loss is not uncommon, to say the least. If you’re missing at least one tooth, you’re in the same situation as 178 million other Americans. Hope is not lost, however, since there are several tooth replacement options to choose from. A preference by many patients and dentists alike is dental implants because of their significant benefits. But how long do dental implants last? Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Salinas about their lifespan and how you can extend it.
(more…)How to Avoid Teeth Sensitivity After Getting Whitening
April 4, 2022

Is your fear of teeth sensitivity stopping you from getting a whitening treatment? Maybe you’ve gone back and forth considering if whiter teeth are worth any discomfort you might experience. But before you make a firm decision, you should know that sensitivity after professional whitening is fairly uncommon. And if it occurs, it’s short-lived and causes no damage to your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about whitening and what you can do to avoid teeth sensitivity.
(more…)Are Tooth Stains Hereditary?
March 4, 2022

Wonder what the reason is for your discolored and stained teeth might be? It’s not uncommon for someone to be faced with this source of insecurity, and you have to at least consider the possibility it has happened for genetic reasons. Especially if your efforts to fix stained teeth were ineffective, read on to learn from your cosmetic dentist in Salinas why it could be hereditary and what you can do.
(more…)What Can I Expect From My Dental Implant Consultation?
February 7, 2022

If you’re considering dental implants, then you probably have plenty of questions and concerns about the procedure. From the actual implant procedure to the end results, you might not be sure what to imagine from the process. Fortunately, your dentist in Salinas suggests you focus on your first meeting! Read on to discover what you can expect from your dental implant consultation.